How to repair your StandOut Gear
Offering repairs to our costumers in an essential part of our bussiness model ! By choosing to repair your product , you extend the life cycle of your product and you prevent it from landing in a landfill and polluting the enviroment !
If you wish to repair your StandOut garnment, please follow the instructions below:
1) Download the repair from, and fill in the necessary information
2) Make sure your dry suit is clean and dry before placing it in the box
3) Place the filled repair from inside the box with the dry suit
4) Send the box the address, Sandiline d.o.o. , Pobeska cesta 19a , 6000 Koper, Slovenia
After the Repair is finished , we will notify you via email, regarding the next steps in the process.
Thank you for choosing to repair your gear !
Download the repair form HERE